All videos are subject to the "Jokes on You" Video Submission Terms and Conditions
- Please create a video that is no more than 120 seconds (2 minutes) of you telling your joke. Do not use any other comedians’ jokes or any other materials of any kind that infringe or violate any rights of any third party or entity (including, without limitation, copyright, trademark, defamation, privacy, publicity, idea misappropriation, or any contractual rights).
- Post your 2 minute video via YouTube.com or Vimeo.com and submit the link for entry.
- All videos, including audio and any description and other accompanying materials you submit (collectively, the "Video"), must be original to you and not copied in whole or in part. Please note that you must be 21 years of age or older and a legal resident of the United States, and have reached the age of majority in your state of residence, to submit a Video. You also must have the permission of everyone who appears or is mentioned in the Video for use of his/her performance, likeness, name or other identifying characteristics in this manner.
- With video submission, you grant Jokes & Notes and NGINE Media Group a royalty-free, worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual and sublicensable permission to exhibit, publish and otherwise use the video and the performances, images, likenesses, names, jokes, etc. that appear or are mentioned in the video, in any manner desired by Jokes & Notes and NGINE Media Group, its licensees, successors and assigns, and in any media now known or later developed in perpetuity. These rights come into effect upon your submission of the Video. All videos and other material submitted become the sole property of Jokes & Notes and NGINE Media Group, may be broadcast on the air, featured on www.thejokesonu.com, or in other advertisements or promotions for "Jokes on You".
- We may elect to use any, all or none of the submitted videos. We also reserve the right to edit or crop the videos and any elements thereof in any manner in our sole discretion.
- Jokes on You voting polls will select the top (4) four comedians to appear on the finale show.
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